Tuesday, March 08, 2011

From:Marina Joseph.

From:Marina Joseph.
Abidjan. Cote D'Ivoire,
West Africa
Hello Dear,
It is my pleasure to contact you for a business venture which I intend to establish in your country. Though, we have never meet each other before but I believed one has to risk confiding in succeed sometimes in life. I inherited huge amount of money ($6.700,000,00) Million USA Dollar which my late Father deposited with one prime bank here in cote D'voire with my name as next of kin before his Death.
Now I have decided to invest these money in your country or anywhere safe enough outside Africa for security and political reasons.I want you to help me claim and retrieve these fund from the bank here and transfer it into your personal account in your country for investment purposes on these areas:
1). Telecommunication
2). The Transport Industry
3). Five Star Hotel
I am honourably seeking your assistance in the following ways:
1) To provide a bank account into which this money would be transferred to .
(2) To serve as a guardian of this fund since i am 22years old.
(3) To make arrangement for me to come over to your country to further my education and to secure a resident permit in your country
I am in a sincere desire of your humble assistance in this regards. Your suggestions and ideas will be highly regarded. Now permit me to ask these few questions:
1. Can you honestly help me from your heart?
2. Can I completely trust you?
4. What percentage of the total amount in question will be good for you after the fund has being transfeered to your account and i come over to meet you ?
Yours Sincerely.
Marina Jose


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